Prepare for WOMBAT.
... And I don't mean the furry critter, either.
Chuck H.
4/5/20231 min read
Minus the cube-shaped poo...
I'm still not a developer. I mean, you didn't expect me to have mastered all this in the whopping 3 days since I last posted, right? Nevertheless, progress is being made, and once I get a bit further and have at least a PoC stood up and instrumented, I'll be sharing a longer post (or series of posts) documenting what I've been up to for the last few days.
As I dove deeper and deeper into getting my Linode server up and running the way I wanted to, I kept running into a few crucial problems, particularly around NGINX, and in getting SSL/TLS working properly. Given that I'm not hosting a high-traffic or app-heavy site, I've decided to abandon NGINX (for now) and have completely started over with a new Linode instance. This one has a bit more CPU/RAM than the first one, and I'll be trying my hand at using Caddy as a webserver.
The idea is still to use the webserver to act as an interface to my test environment, where I'll be (slowly) building and publishing some fairly basic applications, written in a few different languages. Right now I'm focusing on Python (and PyGame), as well as Go. At some point I'll probably try my hand at further developing by way of React or Vue.JS, but I'm trying really hard not to get ahead of myself.
On top of this, and really the whole point as it relates to my current career path, I'll be instrumenting monitoring and observability over all of the above by way of New Relic, using a combination of agents and Prometheus to send data in for analysis.
So, soon I will have the pleasure of introducing (all three of) you to my Web-based Observability/Monitoring and Basic Application Testing Server.